BIO:The gradue of Warsaw University of Technology and Polish-Japanese College of Computer Techniques
today: Freelance, self-publish, private orders and cooperation with publishers. 2018: She belongs to the Association of Graphic Designers 2015-2017: Cooperation with the Group M-D-M Publisher, design of a series of 10 colorbooks "Posters for coloring" 2013: She ran OPAA - an open art studio of agakubish, workshops, events and exhibitions 2012: Participation in the 9th Warsaw Ceramic Meetings 2012: Design and implementation of the "Meritus pro Nati" statuette for meritorious employees of the Institute "Monument - Children's Health Center" 2012: Collective exhibition of photographs "Together in the hospital", Old Orangery, Royal Łazienki in Warsaw Awards:2018: Honorable mention in the "Inspired by Japan VIII" competition for the vector graphic "Winter Theater" >click<
Selected clients and collaborators:HOPSA / Ewa Tokarz-Gębska foodstylist / Love Your Wall / "Strefa Rytmu" Foundation / Museum of the Warsaw Uprising / Washpapa / / Group M-D-M Publisher / Institute "Monument - Children's Health Center"
BYWA na:Targi Designu WZORY / Niech Żyje Papier / Warszawskie Targi Książki / Międzynarodowe Targi Książki w Krakowie
Agnieszka Kubiszewska-Krawczyk
agakubish design
agakubish design
+48 516 890 165
Copyrights by: Agnieszka Kubiszewska-Krawczyk, 2018. All rights reserved.